NOTE 26. Supplementary disclosures on the parent company of the group

Pursuant to the Accounting Act of the Republic of Estonia, information of the unconsolidated financial statements (primary statements) of the consolidating entity (Parent Company) shall be disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. In preparing the primary financial statements of the Parent Company the same accounting policies have been used as in preparing the consolidated financial statements. The accounting policy for reporting subsidiaries has been amended in the separate primary financial statements disclosed as supplementary information in the Annual Report in conjunction with IAS 27, Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements.

In the parent separate primary financial statements, disclosed to these consolidated financial statements (Supplementary disclosures), investments into the shares of subsidiaries are accounted for at cost less any impairment recognised.

The separate reports on the Parent Company

According to the Estonian Accounting Law, the amount which can be distributed to the shareholders is calculated as follows: adjusted unconsolidated equity less share capital, share premium and reserves.